USS Alternative I Mac21 Log Details on 7/31/2000

Log ID # - 13
Departure Port - Charlestown, SC
Destination Port - Fort Sumter,SC Charlestown Harbor
Hours Launched - 4
Distance Traveled - 12
Number of Crew - 6
Crew Names - Jack,Dotti,Chrissy,Robin,Jim and Lynne Schaeffer
Remarks - Nice day. Forecast winds were 10 knots ended up over 30 knots for a time. Boat handled well. Learned a lot about how tides effect certain areas. Tides can range about 5-6 foot but the current can be up to 6 knots in some areas in between tidal changes. We came back before slack tide (low tide) and had difficulty docking. 3.5 hp motor too small for that boat with that size load fighting current. Were able to get within a quarter mile of Fort Sumter. Nice harbor. We need to go back on a less windy day and explore more. I lot of heavy shipping traffic but no problem getting around. Reached speeds of 8 knots! At one time past a tourist boat with a paddle wheel in back! Area can be a lot of fun… as long as you watch the tidal changes!
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